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We do not really know the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus. There are two different accounts in The Bible, in Matthew chapter 2 and Luke chapter 2, but these are so irreconcilable that scholars believe neither to be true.

The first of these, Matthew's Gospel, was written in the 80s CE, although Raymond E. Brown (An Introduction to the New Testament) suggests at least a decade in either direction must be allowed. This is far too late for the author to have spoken to either Joseph or Mary, to ascertain the facts. In fact the author (who was anonymous, in spite of later attributions) was probably born after the death of Jesus. Matthew tells us that Bethlehem was the home town of Joseph and Mary. An angel appeared to Joseph, to say that Mary would have a son conceived by the Holy Ghost. Magi came from the east, bearing gifts, and asked King Herod the Great where the baby was born. Herod slaughtered the young children of Bethlehem for fear that Jesus would replace him as king. Fortunately, the young family fled to Egypt and waited in exile until Herod had died, then returned to Judea, but changed their minds and travelled to Galilee.

Luke's Gospel was written even later, around the end of the century. This time it says that Nazareth was the home town of Joseph and Mary. An angel appeared to Mary, but not to Joseph, to say that Mary would have a son. Although the account is set during the reign of Herod the Great, they travelled to Bethlehem to fulfil their duties under the census of Quirinius, which took place some ten years after Herod's death. An angel appeared to shepherds and announced the birth of Jesus, but there was no mention of the magi. The young family travelled to Jerusalem shortly afterwards, for the Jewish rites of purification, and then returned peacefully to Nazareth. This leaves no time for the flight to Egypt, as described in Matthew.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Angels revealed the Birth Of the Christ Child to shepherds in the fields.

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