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Jesus was not yet in human form, so they was no Christians. But in the NT, It was mostly Jews who believed in Jesus, but they were not really considered a different religion from Judaism, but just a different sect, that believes that the messiah was already come. They were called "Believers, or followers of "The Way." They even worshiped in the Jewish Temple! Until they were kicked out, that is...

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Q: What were Christians called in the old testament?
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What was the Old Testament called before it was called the Old Testament?

The "Old Testament" is called that only by Christians. The first five books are the Torah, then there is the Nevi'im, or Prophets; and finally the Ketuvim, or Writings. These make up the holy scriptures for the Jews.

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The Hebrew Bible (called "old testament" by Christians) is called Tanakh (תנ״ך) in Hebrew, which is an acronym for the 3 section of the Bible: Torah, Prophets, and Writings.

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The old testament is important to the Jews, but also to all christians.

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For Jews, the Hebrew Bible is called the Tanakh. For Christians it is the Old Testament.

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False. The Hebrew Scriptures form what Christians know as the Old Testament.

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Christians and Jews today believe and study the Old Testament. The Jews made it, but as Jesus was Jewish, Christians study it too.

Did the early Christians call the ancient holy writings of the Jews the New Testament?

I think the person asking the question meant to say OldTestament. Neither the Old nor the New Testament was called that until they were compiled as the Bible in the late 14th century.

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The Old Testament is primarily followed by Christians and Jews. Christians use both the Old and New Testaments as part of their religious scripture, while Jews primarily follow the Old Testament, which they refer to as the Tanakh.

What is sacred text Christians follow?

The Bible, comprising the Old Testament and the New Testament

Do only Christians believe in the Old Testament of the Bible?

The old testament to the Jewish people is called the Torah , the New Testament is the one that Christians believe in. To extend what Thomas is saying, Christians believe and study the Old Testament as it has history which ties it to their "New Testament", and also because they believe prophesies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, and others that forordained the arrival of Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah. Ran Robertson