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The Hand Axe, out of which developed- the Knife. the knife is the first weapon as such mentioned in The Bible.

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Q: What was the first tool used by humans?
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Where did archaeologists find what may been the first tool used by humans?

In Africa

What was the first tool invented?

The first tools invented was used by early transitional humans about 2.5 million years ago. The tools were multipurpose hammering, digging and chopping implements.

What was the first important tool used to break soil?

The digging stick was likely the first important tool used to break soil. It was a simple sharpened stick used by early humans to loosen soil for planting seeds and harvesting crops.

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The first humans to make spears and harpoons were early Homo species like Homo habilis or Homo erectus. They used these tools for hunting and fishing, demonstrating early examples of tool-making and complex thinking.

Where did archaeologist's find what may have been the first tools used by humans?

where did archaeologists find what may have been the first tools used by humans

Which renewable energy source was first used by humans?

The first renewable energy source used by humans was likely wood, as it was used for heating and cooking thousands of years ago.

When was wood first used by humans?

As wood was already in use by our pre-human ancestors, wood has always been used by humans since we first evolved.

What is a chopper stone tool?

A chopper stone tool is a primitive tool made by early humans by flaking one or both sides of a stone to create a sharp edge. This tool was typically used for chopping, cutting, and scraping tasks in the Paleolithic era. It is considered one of the earliest forms of stone tools used by hominins.

First important farming tool used to break soil?

the plow

When was a burin tool maker invented?

The first burin was invented in the 16th century. A burin is a tool used in printmaking.