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Mark's occupation was not given. He was not an apostle either.

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Q: What was mark's job before he became one of Jesus apostles?
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Who are the evangelists who wrote the Bible?

We usually think of the term "evangelist" in conjunction with the 27 books comprising the new Testament. There were four disciples who wrote the gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Crucifixion of Jesus marks the end of the gospels and the remainder of the books are often termed epistles or letters. The largest of these is the Acts of the Apostles. The most proLific writer of the Nw Testament is the the Apostle Paul, a persecutor of Christians, who went on to embrace Christianity after seeing the image of Jesus while on the road to Damascus. He became the strongest of the apostles. Paul wrote 15 of the epistles. Other epistle writers are the apostles Jude, Peter and James. The finale of the bible, the Book of Revelations (a.k.a. "The Apocalypse") as written by the Apostle John.

What are the 3 call narratives in Marks gospel?

The 3 call narratives are... First, Jesus calls four ordinary citizens to follow him and be his disciples. They were Simon, Andrew, James, and John. We must notice that Jesus expected total commitment from everyone of them, even to the point of leaving their family. We too must place Jesus first and forsake everything else for his name. Second, Jesus goes up a mountain and finally selects his 12 apostles. These apostles were part of Jesus' close family, and he spent time with them. Through fellowship with Jesus, the apostles were transformed in heart, mind, and attitude. This prepared them for ministry. In the same way, we must spend time with Jesus first if we wish to serve him. Finally, Jesus calls his chosen 12 disciples and sends them out 2 by 2, telling them to preach about the Good News. He gives them no possessions, commanding them to trust that God will provide everything for them. We must learn that the journey of discipleship is to be shared with other believers and also that God will meet our needs for us.

Out of possible 250 marks Keith scored 91 percent How many extra marks would he have needed to score 95 percent?

Solution if one acts before thinking:91% of 250 = 227.595% of 250 = 237.5(237.5) - (227.5) = 10 extra marks required to raise score to 95%.===============================================Solution if one thinks before acting:Additional score required = (95% - 91%) = (4% of 250) = 10 marks

What are total marks of 10th federal board?

my marks are 494 out of 550 means 90% marks i obtained

What is 75 marks out of 85 marks as a percentage?


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Al the disciples saw Jesus , after he rose from the dead, once Thomas was not there but he came and showed himself to Thomas as well. And showed the nail and spear marks on his body.

Who are the evangelists who wrote the Bible?

We usually think of the term "evangelist" in conjunction with the 27 books comprising the new Testament. There were four disciples who wrote the gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Crucifixion of Jesus marks the end of the gospels and the remainder of the books are often termed epistles or letters. The largest of these is the Acts of the Apostles. The most proLific writer of the Nw Testament is the the Apostle Paul, a persecutor of Christians, who went on to embrace Christianity after seeing the image of Jesus while on the road to Damascus. He became the strongest of the apostles. Paul wrote 15 of the epistles. Other epistle writers are the apostles Jude, Peter and James. The finale of the bible, the Book of Revelations (a.k.a. "The Apocalypse") as written by the Apostle John.

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What did Jesus do as a human in marks gospel?

Read the book....

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What are the 3 call narratives in Marks gospel?

The 3 call narratives are... First, Jesus calls four ordinary citizens to follow him and be his disciples. They were Simon, Andrew, James, and John. We must notice that Jesus expected total commitment from everyone of them, even to the point of leaving their family. We too must place Jesus first and forsake everything else for his name. Second, Jesus goes up a mountain and finally selects his 12 apostles. These apostles were part of Jesus' close family, and he spent time with them. Through fellowship with Jesus, the apostles were transformed in heart, mind, and attitude. This prepared them for ministry. In the same way, we must spend time with Jesus first if we wish to serve him. Finally, Jesus calls his chosen 12 disciples and sends them out 2 by 2, telling them to preach about the Good News. He gives them no possessions, commanding them to trust that God will provide everything for them. We must learn that the journey of discipleship is to be shared with other believers and also that God will meet our needs for us.

What stage of Jesus life did marks gospel begin?


Was Jesus Christ from Venus?

Jesus was from Venus and tomorrow there will be a Venus transit which marks the return of the Christ consciousness!

What was marks role in the story of Jesus?

Mark, who wrote the Gospel of Mark, was a disciple of Peter, who was a disciple of Jesus.

Should question marks be placed before or after exclamation marks?

Question marks should be placed before exclamation marks when a sentence contains both. For example: "Did you see that amazing performance?!"

What event marks the end of Luke's Gospel and the beginning of Acts?

Luke's Gospel and Acts of the Apostles were written by the same author, long assumed to be the apostle Luke. The Gospel was written first, with Acts apparently written after an interval, during which some of Luke's assumptions may have changed.Luke's Gospel ends when the risen Jesus last spoke to the disciples and was then taken bodily up into heaven on the evening of the day of his resurrection.Acts begins when the risen Jesus, who had remained on earth for forty days, seen by many, last spoke to the disciples and was then taken bodily up into heaven.