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Robert Young was a popular television actor who played the Doctor Marcus Welby. I have never heard him linked with a suicide attempt but it is possible.

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Q: What was Robert youngs suicide attempt?
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You do NOT have to ATTEMPT suicide in any way just to be hospitalized! You do not need the action, just the intent. So if you simply say you want to commit suicide, a doctor can admit you to the hospital.

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No, they do not. It is foolish and unfair to suggest that just because someone is emo that this person has a good chance of attempting suicide. If generalizations are in order, then it is very depressed people who attempt suicide.

What is attempt to suicide?

Attempted suicide is trying to kill yourself. Not nesisarily being sucsessful though.

Is suicide or assigned suicide against the law in Nepal?

Attempted suicide is illegal in Nepal and people who attempt suicide when caught are subject to imprisonment, fines or both.