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Q: What type of spacing precedes and follows a long question in an academic report?
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What is the Spacing for an academic paper?

double spacing

What is the definition of spacing for an academic paper?

Double spacing

Spacing for an academic paper?


What line spacing is the body of a report keyed?

The line spacing typical in all academic writing is double space.

What is spacing of an academic paper called?

i use double space, but that's just me.

What is 2.0 spacing in an essay?

In an essay, "2.0 spacing" typically refers to double spacing, where there is the equivalent of two lines of space between each line of text. This formatting style is commonly used in academic writing to improve readability and allow for easier annotation or comments.

What is the spacing for acidemic apa formated paper?

In APA format, the spacing for a paper should be double-spaced throughout, including the title page, abstract, text, references, footnotes, and appendices. This helps improve readability and allows for easier review of the content.

You can apply line-spacing options to?

If you're talking about word-processing (your question wasn't very specific) then you apply line-spacing to a paragraph.

Why do you think MLA recommends double-spacing an academic report?

Double-spacing in academic reports helps improve readability and allows space for comments and corrections to be made by instructors or peer reviewers. It also helps ensure that the text is easier to follow and understand for readers who may have visual impairments or difficulty focusing on dense text.

What type of line spacing should be used after the secondary title?

The line spacing following a secondary title should typically be double-spaced in most academic or professional documents to improve readability and separate the different sections effectively.

What is the spacing from the light switch to the shower?


Is double spacing set to 1.5 line spacing or 2.0 line spacing?

Double spacing is set to 2.0 line spacing.