The King James Bible was created using the Masoretic text (OT), Textus Receptus (NT), The Bishop's Bible (1568), and the Geneva Bible (1560).
In the King James version the word - benediction - does not appear at all but, other translations/versions may use the word.
In the King James version the word - carbon - does not appear at all --- Note: The word may appear in other versions/translations ---
The word obey is used 114 times in the King James version of the Holy Bible. Different translations may use the word a more times or fewer times.
The exact word 'humankind' is not found in the bible at least using the King James Version (KJV) or NIV English translations. However, "mankind" appears 6 times in the KVJ and 61 times in the NIV. Translations of the bible often uses "mankind" and "man" interchangeably.
This word is not used in the King James Bible.
Most early Methodist probably used the King James Bible as it was the most common English Bible available; however there were other translations that were used as well. They did not normally use the latin Bible.
There are many translations of the Bible. Here is a list of some popular translations and the number of times the word "guest" is used in each: The King James Bible.......................1 New International Version...............8 Good News Translation...................10 New American Standard Bible..........3 New King James Version..................4 New International Readers' Version..8 New Living Translation...................17
In the King James version the word - benediction - does not appear at all but, other translations/versions may use the word.
In 1611, King James I authorised a translation of the Bible in English; previously Latin was the only language for the whole thing. It is still regularly used today, although frequently in conjunction with other modern translations.
In the King James version the word - carbon - does not appear at all --- Note: The word may appear in other versions/translations ---
There is no St. James Bible. There is a version called the King James Authorized Version in which James, King of England, demanded or approved of. A few Protestan denominations use it exclusively and it remains a popular translation. There are other translations used by many people. BTW, the English speaking Orthodox churches have their own translation as well.
The word obey is used 114 times in the King James version of the Holy Bible. Different translations may use the word a more times or fewer times.
The exact word 'humankind' is not found in the bible at least using the King James Version (KJV) or NIV English translations. However, "mankind" appears 6 times in the KVJ and 61 times in the NIV. Translations of the bible often uses "mankind" and "man" interchangeably.
This word is not used in the King James Bible.
Lutheran is not used at all in the King James Bible
Same answer as above. Search Strong's Exhaustive Concordance on the web to find out if any word is used in the King James Bible. To answer the question, no, there is no use of the word spellbound in the KJV. Perhaps in other translations?
The word repent is used 43 times in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.