You can get your CXC results, even if you do not have your student registration number by contacting your school or the Local Ministry of Education.
The number 190 in Roman numerals is CXC
There is no such thing as a distinction in CXC...look it up!
190 is CXC in Roman Numerals.
The Arabic number for 574 is خمسمائة وأربعة وسبعون.
Where can I get my cxc results for 1990 . I don't have the registration number
You can get your CXC results, even if you do not have your student registration number by contacting your school or the Local Ministry of Education.
Yes, you can access your CXC results online through the official CXC website by using your candidate number and date of birth to log in to the student portal.
The number 190 in Roman numerals is CXC
it means Caribbean Examination Council (CXC)
There is no such thing as a distinction in CXC...look it up!
samantha johnson
190 is CXC in Roman Numerals.
does a grade 4 in cxc a fail or pass
The Arabic number for 574 is خمسمائة وأربعة وسبعون.
Cxc = c + (c-x) = 100+ (100-10) = 190
CLV in Arabic numerals is 155.