Contact and inform a responsible adult like a parent, teacher or the police without delay.
Don't! Call the police about your bully or talk to someone about it but don't commit suicide! Imagine what you might grow up to do if you don't. Imagine how it will affect the lives of the people who love you. Don't commit suicide!
Unfortunately, at that point, he wouldn't be able to say anything. Too bad the victim didn't understand bullies are just going though emotional issues. They need to shatter one's sense of self to gain a false sense of superiority. In high school, this one guy on the football team bullied me. Well, many years later while at a bar, we randomly ran into each other. He apoligized and said his father had died in his freshman year. So, if the victim decides to be a survivor, then the bully can provide a genuine apology. Of course, I'm from a town of only 100K.
If one believes in the devil then 'the devil made me do it' as the devil is the cause for those that open up to him. If one believes in the devil then they must believe in God and that person who laughs after someone has been bullied or cyber bullied after that victim of bullying has taken their own life the bully or bullies will pay a high price come judgement day, but even before that, the bully or bullies will be frowned upon and ostracized by their own peers. Most people think that anyone that would laugh over someone taking their own life over bullying has brain cells missing and will be banished from being around normal people. These types of people have no morals. Programs are in effect to protect the victims of bullying and laws are changing so hopefully soon in many States in the U.S. (New Jersey having the toughes bullying laws) and Canadian Provinces the bully or bullies will get prison time for either first or second degree murder!
It is always a tragedy when anyone commits suicide. Bullying feels very painful to the person being bullied. They may feel like a prisoner to the pain the bully puts them through day after day and it hurts very much. The pain they feel seems like it will never end, so they may take drastic measures. Later in life the bully may realize the weight of those actions and suffer as well.
alot all around the world when people bully other people that person might get tired of getting insulted and torchered that they my try and kill themself or try and kill the person
the type of effect on a victim is committing suicide or becoming a bully them self or may crack and try to kill the bully later or now in life and yes if the victim commit suicide yes you can get arrested because bulling is against the law
Usally because people have something on in their lives and want attention from others. They bully others, and by this, they make it to the popular group. This makes the bully feel good, and get all of his/her friends to bully someone. The bully gets over whelmed and gets stupid and tells him/her to commit suicide. There is so much preassure that the victim takes it seriously.
Don't! Call the police about your bully or talk to someone about it but don't commit suicide! Imagine what you might grow up to do if you don't. Imagine how it will affect the lives of the people who love you. Don't commit suicide!
Very rarely do they ever feel guilty over bullying to commit suicide. Usually, the worst of the bullies never feel that level of remorse. They feel they were justified or that they were helping to further evolution. But then again, sometimes bullies are victims of abuse or bullying too, or they may have other problems such as substance abuse, so they might commit suicide. Bullying might be like a pain reliever for them, though not an effective one, so maybe it is possible to bully others and then also commit suicide.
they may have a crush on their victim depending how the victim gets treated by the bully and how the bully treats others
Free will means that the bullies make choices from certain types of restraints and the answer is NOW no longer true! 47 States have bullying laws and New Jersey leads with severe penalties for bullying. More and more websites are picking up on bullying especially for students whether in elementary school or high school (even in the workplace.) The question is 'if a bully or bullies are caught and the victim may commit suicide should the bully or bullies be convicted of manslaughter? Some say yes, while others say no. However, that being said being caught bullying causing a person of any age to commit suicide from the stress of bullying the bully or bullies should receive a harsh sentence and they would deserve it. Programs should be put into schools (films shown as to what bullying can do to the victim) and get the non bullying students along with teachers and parents involved in anti bullying to the fullest and it can be done as is becoming very strong in this area. People are simply tired of hearing about a useless bully or bullies trying to harm a victim by threats; lies and pure gossip making the victim feel distance; not belonging; along; afraid and sometimes physically harmed. The bully or bullies know full well what they are doing.
That is when you bring both the bully and the victim together and hear out both sides. Then hopefully the mediator/arbiter can then get the bully to see what harm they cause and get them to quit. However, there is no guarantee that the bully will abide by whatever decisions were made.
The victim should not commit suicide.If they did then the bully has broken them down, which is what they want to do because their own life is such a mess. They cannot handle the pressures of whatever it is that is causing them to bully others and that is why they do it.Most bullies don't bully you because they hate you, but because they are under pressure themselves and it is a release to do this.The victim should not relent. They should tell everyone about what is happening and get themselves some good friendly back-up. Reporting the bully to the authorities is the first step thereafter. The more people that know what the bully is doing to the victim the better, and the quicker it will stop.If the bullying is over social networks or by mobile phone then keep a record of what is said. Do not delete any messages sent to you. Show them to Teachers, Head Teachers, Parents, Friends and make sure you report it. Sometimes the victim can be afraid that if they report it then it will get worse. (A bully may say this to the victim directly). It won't if you report it to lots of different people at the same time. Any recurrence that may happen after they have been spoken too must be reported again immediately. Bullies rely on you not saying anything to others and cannot continue bullying when they are being monitored and reported all the time.The moral is to keep reporting a bully as often as possible to whoever is in charge or higher up. Not just one person but several people. The quicker you stand up and do this the quicker it will be stopped. It doesn't make you weak to do this it makes you stronger. You must fight for your rights sometimes in life and this is one time when you should. You deserve a good life without all this nonsense from others who are insecure.Start with a new brave personality straight away and enjoy yourself once again.Also, see the related question below.
People can commit suicide for various reasons: being bullied either at school or the workplace; being on street drugs or alcohol; the death of a loved one; loss of job; financial difficulties, etc. Teens are at a higher risk of suicide because of intense bullying and the bullies teasing them exhaust the victim and make them feel alone and terrified so the teen feels there is no way out, but suicide. GOOD NEWS! Teachers; parents; the police; programs started in some schools in the United States and Canada by many good students to protect victims from bullying is very proactive and New Jersey has the strictest laws again bullying. No more are people going to allow a handful of bullies to dominate and threaten their victims and the laws are changing very quickly no matter if the bully is a minor not. School is not forever and if a victim of bullying takes their own life then they have let the bully win! Once out of school the victim of bullying often becomes successful in life while the bully becomes nothing but an empty shell or a person or, in some cases the bully may feel some remorse when they get older.
Unfortunately, at that point, he wouldn't be able to say anything. Too bad the victim didn't understand bullies are just going though emotional issues. They need to shatter one's sense of self to gain a false sense of superiority. In high school, this one guy on the football team bullied me. Well, many years later while at a bar, we randomly ran into each other. He apoligized and said his father had died in his freshman year. So, if the victim decides to be a survivor, then the bully can provide a genuine apology. Of course, I'm from a town of only 100K.
All of the effects that can happen is 1. suicide 2. scared to go to school 3. cries everyday, and many more but you try to name them in order. Effects for the bully would be feelings of fun, empowerment, satisfaction, unhappiness and maybe also nervousness. Some bullies are also bullied elsewhere.
bullys bully use power they try to make there victim as scared as they can be so the bully is in power