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Hercules i belive cuz my teacher told me but i guess she guess jus like i wouldve guessed..but yea ;)

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Q: What roman historian gave final form to the early Etruscan and Roman legends?
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What did the early roman borrow from the Etruscan?

Their numeracy system.

What did the early Romans borrow from the etruscan?

They adapted the Etruscan numeral system which today we call Roman numerals.

To what extent did the Etruscans play a significant role in the development of rome?

The Romans adopted many customs from the Etruscans including the arch and layout of the temple, the Etruscan alphabet, the reading of the future, the art of bronze making and some aspects of the Roman government.

How were the Romans influenced by the Etruscans?

Apart from the fact that the it is thought that Etruscans invented the simple barrel arch and that the Roman adopted it, not much is known about the Etruscan influence on Roman engineering due to a lack of archaeological finds. The Etruscan had an influence in the archaic (early) period and then their civilisation decayed. Very little of their writing has survived and their language has not been fully deciphered. The Romans did not write much about Etruscan influence.

People that mainly influence the Romans?

Roman society is said to have been influenced by two cultures, the Greeks and the Etruscans. The Etruscans more than likely influenced Roman society and Roman culture more heavily because Rome was surrounde4d by Etruscan territory and was ruled by Etruscan kings. The Greek influence came about as a result of Roman expansion.

What were Etruscan's?

It is difficult to ascertain the actual extent of Etruscan influence on Rome. The fashionable theory that the Etruscans conquered or dominated Rome, or that the urban development of Rome in the 6th century BC was due to the Etruscans has been challenged. The evidence base of this theory is flimsy and it is based on unproven assumptions. Recent archaeological evidence suggests a different picture. Moreover, the Etruscan civilisation disappeared quite early and very little Etruscan writing, which has not been fully deciphered, has survived. There are minimal archaeological finds in the city of Rome because the Etruscans had an influence in the archaic (early) days of Rome and ancient Rome was continually redeveloped over the many centuries of its history. The Etruscans were one of the various peoples who had some influence on Roman religion. Early Roman architecture might have been influenced by the Etruscans as well as the Greeks. However, if this was the case, the Etruscan order (style) was soon abandoned. The Roman preferred the Greek orders because the Etruscan one was unadorned and rustic. According to the Roman tradition, the 5th king of Rome, who was half Etruscan and half Greek, introduced the following Etruscan customs: • The celebration of triumphs in Etruscan style • The golden chariot of the king • The fasces, a bundle of wooden sticks with an axe sticking out in the middle. This was used by the lictors, the guards of the consuls and the praetor. They were also a symbol of the power and authority of the consuls and the praetors.

Who first wrote down the early legends and oral culture of Ireland?

the monks wrote down the early legend's and oral culture of Ireland in the roman alphabet.

How the Etruscans affected the development of Rome?

Much of the Etruscan culture was infused in early Rome, from their war-like tendencies, their expansionism and their art. You could loosely compare the Etruscan influence on Rome to the British influence on the United States.Much of the Etruscan culture was infused in early Rome, from their war-like tendencies, their expansionism and their art. You could loosely compare the Etruscan influence on Rome to the British influence on the United States.Much of the Etruscan culture was infused in early Rome, from their war-like tendencies, their expansionism and their art. You could loosely compare the Etruscan influence on Rome to the British influence on the United States.Much of the Etruscan culture was infused in early Rome, from their war-like tendencies, their expansionism and their art. You could loosely compare the Etruscan influence on Rome to the British influence on the United States.Much of the Etruscan culture was infused in early Rome, from their war-like tendencies, their expansionism and their art. You could loosely compare the Etruscan influence on Rome to the British influence on the United States.Much of the Etruscan culture was infused in early Rome, from their war-like tendencies, their expansionism and their art. You could loosely compare the Etruscan influence on Rome to the British influence on the United States.Much of the Etruscan culture was infused in early Rome, from their war-like tendencies, their expansionism and their art. You could loosely compare the Etruscan influence on Rome to the British influence on the United States.Much of the Etruscan culture was infused in early Rome, from their war-like tendencies, their expansionism and their art. You could loosely compare the Etruscan influence on Rome to the British influence on the United States.Much of the Etruscan culture was infused in early Rome, from their war-like tendencies, their expansionism and their art. You could loosely compare the Etruscan influence on Rome to the British influence on the United States.

How were the Romans influenced by Etruscan engineering?

It is not really known because Etruscan influence occurred very early in Roman history and there are very little archaeological remains from that period. Very little has survived due to both the early age and because ancient Rome was continuously being redeveloped in her 1,200 years of history. It is thought that the Etrucans developed the barrel arch, the simplest type of arch. The Romans then developed the vaulted arch which is more complex. It is likely that some of the archaic (early) Roman temples might have been built in the Tuscan (Etruscan) architectural order. However, if so, they did not survive and this order was soon abandoned in favour of the Greek architectural orders because it was seen as too simple and rustic. The theory that the Etruscans conquered Rome in the 6th century BC, were responsible for Rome's earliest urbanisation and built the Cloaca Maxima (a sewer) and the large temple of Jupiter Otpimus Maximus on the Capitoline hill is just that, a theory. Its evidence base if flimsy and it is based on unproven assumptions. It has been challenged. Recent archaeological evidence in Latium (land of the Latins) suggests a different picture.

Who studied the knowledge of the Roman Empire after its decline?

The most famous early historian on the subject is Edward Gibbon who lived in the 18th century and who wrote the still-famous History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

Where did The Ancient Romans developed their religious beliefs?

Roman religion was basically Latin religion and some of its rites predated the foundation of the city. Early Roman religion was also influenced by Sabine religion and Etruscan religion. As the religion evolved, there was an increasing influence from Greek religion and myths.

When the Etruscans conquered Rome they brought all of what with them?

The Etruscans brought all of their art and culture to Rome when the ancient civilization conquered the then-infant city. The Etruscans and Romans fought a series of wars called the Roman-Etruscan Wars during the early part of ancient Romeâ??s history.