Arabic numerals are called that because the European interpretation of those numbers comes from the Arabs. The numerals are called Arabic numerals (even though they do not resemble modern Arabic numerals in the slightest) to distinguish them from Roman numerals.
Roman Numerals are just another way of writing numbers. The same as using the Chinese Numerals, or even our very own Arabic Numerals. Tally is another way of noting numbers. So anything could, in essence, precede or follow Roman Numerals, that could precede or follow Arabic Numerals or Tallies.
The Roman numerals lvi or LVI converted into Arabic numerals are 56
The Roman numerals LXVII=67 in Hindu Arabic numerals.
In Arabic numerals, it is 616. In Roman numerals, it is DCXVI.
It is common practice to use uppercase Roman numerals for the main points in an outline and lowercase letters for subpoints. Arabic numbers are typically used for further details beneath the subpoints.
Roman numerals in comparison to Hindu-Arabic numerals are as follows:- M = 1000, D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5 and I = 1
Main ideas in an outline are typically marked with Roman numerals (I, II, III), capital letters (A, B, C), or Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3). These markers help to differentiate the main points from supporting details or subpoints in the outline.
The details in an outline are typically marked by indented subheadings or bullet points. These details provide specific information that supports the main points or ideas presented in the outline.
Arabic numerals are called that because the European interpretation of those numbers comes from the Arabs. The numerals are called Arabic numerals (even though they do not resemble modern Arabic numerals in the slightest) to distinguish them from Roman numerals.
Roman Numerals are just another way of writing numbers. The same as using the Chinese Numerals, or even our very own Arabic Numerals. Tally is another way of noting numbers. So anything could, in essence, precede or follow Roman Numerals, that could precede or follow Arabic Numerals or Tallies.
30 in Arabic numerals is ٣٠
The Roman numerals lvi or LVI converted into Arabic numerals are 56
The Roman numerals LXVII=67 in Hindu Arabic numerals.
In Arabic numerals, it is 616. In Roman numerals, it is DCXVI.
44 IS Arabic Numerals.
192 is already in Arabic numerals