

What percentage of his brain did Einstein use?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Blaise Jerde

Lvl 10
4y ago

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we all living beings use all of (nearly all of) our brain, i.e. approx. 100% of our brain.

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Aniya Konopelski

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Q: What percentage of his brain did Einstein use?
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What percentage of his brain did Albert Einstein use?

we all living beings use all of (nearly all of) our brain, i.e. approx. 100% of our brain.

Who used more percentage of brain after Einstein?

its not researched till now people say that the last person was enstine to use more of his brain

What percentage of brain was used by Albert Einstein?

20 %

What percent of Einstein's brain did he use?

40 - 60 percent

Was Albert Einstein born late?

I think so...from what ive heard he was born late therefore making his brain develop more enabling him to use more percentage of his brain. Can anyone elaborate more on this or maybe correct me if am wrong?

How much percent did albert Einstein of his brain use?

about 10%

What percentage of brain had Einstein used?

According to sources Einstein's brain was removed within seven hours of his death and within next 24 hours this was declared that he used 14% oh his brain and he is first on earth to do so. This has since been found to be a complete fallacy.

How much percent of brain did albert Einstein use?

100% hes smarter than me at science and all that. But im better at texting or anything. He wouldnt even know how to use an xbox. Does that mean i used mor brain percentage? No because we all use 100%. Does that make any sense?

What is the percentage of your brain that you use?


How much of your brain do you use in a lifetime?

The myth of "You Only Use 10% of Your Brain" is not true and comes from a miss heard quote from Albert Einstein. In actual fact we use 100% of our brain

Is Albert Einstein use more percent of his brain then other scientist?

All are 100% even me. All because someone knows how to do something better doesnt mean you use less. If he were to have a xbox in front of him i would be better than him at it doesnt mean i used more brain percentage

How much percentage did newton used his brain?

Isaac Newton use his brain to its maximum level he use his brain to 110 %