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Q: What numbers read the same forwards and backwords?
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What Palindrome numbers?

Palindrome numbers are numbers that read the same backwards and forwards, like 32923

What are palindrome integers?

Numbers that read the same backwards and forwards, like 47374.

What is it called for a number to have the same last numbers and the same middle numbers?

A number with the same last and middle numbers is called a palindrome. Palindromic numbers read the same forwards and backwards.

What is palidrone?

A palindrome is a word, phrase, sentence or sequence of numbers that can be read the same way backwards and forwards.

What is a palindrome and what are its uses?

A palindrome is a word, phrase or sequence of numbers that can be read the same forwards and backwards. It is used chiefly for amusement.

What does palandrom mean?

They are words that can be read the same way left and right. Properly spelled palindromes.

Spelling a word left to right and right to left?

I think you are asking for the word palindrome, which means the word(s) read the same forwards as backwords, like NOON.As well as mom, racecar, dad, etc.

What do we call words that are the same forwards and backwards?

Words that are the same forwards and backwards are called palindromes.

What craft has a palindome for its name?

a word or number which read either forwards or backwards will bo the same a word or number which read either forwards or backwards will be the same race car

What do the numbers 11 69 and 88 all have in common?

Well, darling, those numbers all have something in common - they are all palindromic! That means they read the same forwards and backwards. So, whether you're reading them left to right or right to left, those numbers stay sassy and symmetrical.

What is special about the palindrome?

It can be read the same way forwards and backwards.

How do you know if is a palindromic number?

If it can be read the same backwards and forwards.