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It depends on who's credit card.

The numbers are your bank account, the date the credit card is validated for.

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Q: What numbers are on a credit card?
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Is a credit card number all numbers?

Yes, a credit card number consistes of only numbers.

What are some credit card numbers and Expiration Date the CVV?

credit card numbers are the 16 digit numbers on the front of the card and the expiration date is when the card expires.

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Fantage credit card numbers and owner names?VISA

Are fake credit dard numbers illegal?

Fake credit card numbers are illegal. If you get caught using fake credit card numbers, you could go to jail.

How many numbers are there supposed to be on a credit card?

There are 16 digits on a credit card.

What kind of numbers are on a credit card?

regular numbers

What are CVV2 numbers on a credit card?

This is the three numbers located on the back of the card by your signature.

What do the numbers in an American Express card mean?

Here's a great article that explains what all the numbers on a credit card mean

What do the numbers on a credit card mean?

The first digit of a credit card indicates the type of credit card you are holding. Three is American Express, 4 is a Visa card, 5 is MasterCard, and 6 is Discover. The numbers that follow identify the issuing institution; indicate the type of card, whether debit or credit; and are numbers assigned to you by the issuing institution.

How do you know where the credit card number is on my credit card number?

This question makes no sense. The credit card number is printed on the card in raised numbers across the front.

What are the phone numbers to the major credit card processing companies?

Credit card processing companies have telephone numbers that will vary from country to country. For the best method of determining how to reach your own credit card processor, you can find the phone number on the back of your credit card.