XXXX (10+10 = 20)xx xx
In Roman numerals, "xxxx" does not represent the number 40. The Roman numeral for 40 is "XL," which is equivalent to 50-10. Roman numerals are based on a subtractive principle, where a smaller numeral before a larger one subtracts its value from the larger numeral. So, in this case, "XL" represents 40 in Roman numerals.
3- XXXYes 30 in roman numerals is XXX; hence 10 is X and 20 is XX. 40, on the other hand, will not be XXXX hence that breaks the rule of roman numerals, so 40 is not XXXX it is XL.
At one time the Roman numeral IIII represented the number 4 but in an effort to make it conform with the rules of writing Roman numerals, which state that no numeral should appear more than three times in succession, IIII was dropped in favour of IV. This means that it conformed with the gerneral pattern, after all XL = 40 (XXXX is never used) and CD = 400 (CCCC is never used).
This is not a correct way to display a number using Roman numerals. You can only use one letter of immediate lesser value before the current letter. X is two levels below C and LX which is 60 (50+10) and before a C (100). If you are trying to say 40 then the proper way would be XL or XXXX.
XXXX (40) or XL (50-10)
XXXX (10+10 = 20)xx xx
In Roman numerals, "xxxx" does not represent the number 40. The Roman numeral for 40 is "XL," which is equivalent to 50-10. Roman numerals are based on a subtractive principle, where a smaller numeral before a larger one subtracts its value from the larger numeral. So, in this case, "XL" represents 40 in Roman numerals.
3- XXXYes 30 in roman numerals is XXX; hence 10 is X and 20 is XX. 40, on the other hand, will not be XXXX hence that breaks the rule of roman numerals, so 40 is not XXXX it is XL.
At one time the Roman numeral IIII represented the number 4 but in an effort to make it conform with the rules of writing Roman numerals, which state that no numeral should appear more than three times in succession, IIII was dropped in favour of IV. This means that it conformed with the gerneral pattern, after all XL = 40 (XXXX is never used) and CD = 400 (CCCC is never used).
This is not a correct way to display a number using Roman numerals. You can only use one letter of immediate lesser value before the current letter. X is two levels below C and LX which is 60 (50+10) and before a C (100). If you are trying to say 40 then the proper way would be XL or XXXX.
40 in Roman numerals are XL or XXXX
It is: XXXX or XL which means 40 or (50-10)
Look on the back of your manual and there should be a bunch of number and letters XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX
Dial +44 20 xxxx xxxx from a mobile or 00 44 20 xxxx xxxx from a landline
the number and letters on the back of your manual Looks like -> XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX what are the nummders and letters
If this is a UK telephone number then the (020) area code represents LONDON. London numbers have eight digits and begin 3xxx xxxx or 7xxx xxxx or 8xxx xxxx. The other unused numbers are for future expansion. There is no such area code as 0207 or 0208. The writer has not formatted the number in the correct way. The correct format is always: (020) xxxx xxxx or: +44 20 xxxx xxxx