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Q: What mathematic formula does the banker use on Deal or No Deal?
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Why does a banker use spreadsheets?

Banker's Use Spreadsheets For Keeping Track Of There Clients Money.

How do you use banker in a sentence?

Jack studied hard to gain the necessary qualifications to make him a successful banker.

Why would a banker us a spread sheet?

a banker would use a spread sheet for calculations relating to money

How do you kill the banker in AC brotherhood?

All you do is use a gun

How is math used in career of banker?

well... bankers use math all the time. they use it to find the interest. example: the person borrows 1000 dollars from the bank and say the interest is 2% monthly, so the banker can use math in that case. Also, when the banker invests on things, they use math to predict what their profit is, it can be negative ( a loss of money) or they can gain.

What simple device did the Chinese use in the twelfth century to perform mathematic calculations?

A brain - and it is not a simple device. It was assisted by an abacus, but without a brain an abacus would not have been much use!

What would a banker use a spreadheets for?

To store and manipulate financial information in a database form.

Where did math first develop?

Arabs invented the mathematic system that we use today, which was probably derived from Greek ideas; mainly pythagoreons and early Indian mathematics

How do use fish and banker scripts in runescape?

Better stay away from those. Your account will be banned if you use scripts or bots.

What type of gun did the banker at the beginning of the Dark Knight use?

a fake one, it wasnt loaded

What can you use for Deal or No Deal cases?

sell it

How do you use the word atonement in a business sentence?

The banker sought atonement for his sins of stealing the money from investors.