Of the kings of Judah, only Hezekia and Josiah are reported as rejecting the other gods. Although Kings says that Hezekia made Yahweh-only monotheism the official religion of Judah, this probably had little impact on the ordinary people who continued to worship their other gods, evident because his successors immediately restored the old polytheist customs. Similarly, Josiah's successors allowed a return to the old beliefs.
So, almost every king of Israel and Judah led their people away from God, or at least accepted the decision of the people to worship other gods.
God inspired people to write the Bible through the Holy Spirit He sent to earth.But God is the MAIN author of the bible.
A lot of people say the Bible is the authority, but you have to keep in mind that God wrote the Bible to remind of of his love. So often people make the Bible their god instead of God (if that makes sense). So basically the real authority is God; He just often shows us what to do or how to live through the Bible.because it is god-breathed
None of the copyists errors that crept into the Holy Bible change God's message. Still, they let you know that while the Bible is true it is not perfect. God does not want you to worship the Bible. God wants you to worship him. If people thought the Bible was perfect, they might worship the Bible instead of worshipping God.
Almost all of the good people that is talked about in the bible and followed God prayed
God speaks in his Word. When it was long time Ago he used people to write his words down. those people knew that they had to do something special-to write the bible.
Bad leaders are those people who failed to listen to God and did evil things. Examples of bad leaders in the Bible include Ahab, Herod, and Jehoram of Judah.
The Bible was inspired by God and was written by forty people as God told them what to wright.
Because this website provides answers. The bible does not.
The Bible says nothing whatever about Muslims, or their father, or how he will behave, or how he will treat other people.Muslims perceive Abraham and his son Ishmael as their spiritual forebears. But the Bible does not predict how these people "will behave" or "will treat others". It only recounts, in the past tense, how Abraham and Ishmael did behave or didtreat others, as a past historic event.The Bible in general does not talk about "submission" or "submitted people" as the basic quality of God's people, although it does mention "turning" (to God; away from sin). The Bible says more about the "people of the Covenant" or the "chosen people". The core characteristic of God's people is that they have received God's promises.
What you are describing is called Biblical Judaism.
The ministry of God is all about telling the people about the bible, and that it was only Jesus who died for their sins. And nothing what so ever will take away their sins but the blood of Jesus.
There is only one God and He filled people with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible is from God. God does not need and instruction manuel because God is all-wise. God is perfect. We as people need the Holy Bible from God to guide us because we are not perfect.
God inspired people to write the Bible through the Holy Spirit He sent to earth.But God is the MAIN author of the bible.
A lot of people say the Bible is the authority, but you have to keep in mind that God wrote the Bible to remind of of his love. So often people make the Bible their god instead of God (if that makes sense). So basically the real authority is God; He just often shows us what to do or how to live through the Bible.because it is god-breathed
Everyone who reads it is spoken to by Jesus and God; as the Bible is The Word of God
The Bible