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The Ten Commandments.

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Q: What laws did God give on Mt Sinai?
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Where did god give his laws to moses?

Mt. Sinai.

Where did god appear to moses to give him the commanments?

on Mt. Sinai

Where did God give the Jews the Torah?

God gave the Torah to Moses on Mt. Sinai

Jewish scripture says that God's laws were delivered to the ancient Hebrews by?

God to Moses to the Hebrews at Mt. Sinai. Twice, as the first set were destroyed by Moses after he saw the people doing bad things at the base of Mt. Sinai.

What mt did moses receive the law from god?

Mount Sinai

God first spoke to Moses on mount?

Mt. Sinai.

What happened at mt sinai?

The first thing that happened on mount Sinai was that god gave Moses the ten commandments.

Is Mt Sinai rocky?

Mt Sinai is a barren and rocky place.

Did God speak the Torah from Mt Sinai in one language?

God spoke the Ten Commandments in Hebrew at Sinai (Exodus 19-20). Later, Moses brought down from Mt. Sinai the 2 stone tables on which the 10 commandments had been written by God in the Hebrew language (so that the people could read them). Exodus 31:18.

Where is Mt. Sinai?

There is no 'cast-iron' definitive location for Mt. Sinai. Estimates have placed it in the Sinai peninsula of Egypt.

What laws were among those Moses received from God on Mt Sinai?

Be aware of God Do not worship or build idols Do not use God's name needlessly Keep the Sabbath Honor your parents Do not kill Do not commit adultery Do not steal Do not testify falsely Do not covet

What was the mountain that moses climbed to meet with god?

In the Bible it is called Mt Sinai, and also called 'Horeb', but it is NOT the Mt Sinai of today in the Sinai Peninsula: it is actually 'Jebel el Lawz' in Saudi Arabia. [Co-ordinates 28 deg. 39min. 11.48sec North, 35deg 18min 18.13sec South]