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Wjile most paper is made from wood pulp, paper used to print US currency is not made from that. US bills are printed on paper made from rag linen, with chopped silk threads mixed in. The company that makes it sells ALL it makes to the US Bureau of Printing and Engraving.

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Q: What kind of percentage paper is use in money?
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The kind of money that India uses is an Indian rupee. It originally used to be a silver coin but was later changed to paper.

Do Each state printed it's own kind if paper money?

No, all of the United States' states use federally-minted coins and federally-printed paper money.

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Ricky Scott Nelson used special paper, usually made with a combination of cotton and linen, to print counterfeit money. This type of paper has a distinct texture and feel that closely resembles authentic currency paper, making it harder to detect by touch.

What do you do with paper money?

use it at stores

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They use the euro.

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The first users of paper money where in China

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There is no adhesive in toilet paper.

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You can find mainly percentage off your purchases for most shoes. You can find these in the paper and then use them in the stores of which they are specified. Then there are the in store coupon deals.

What did Chinese use for money?

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