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Bank tellers need to know subtraction and addition. and multiplicaiton and division. (arithmetic)

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Q: What kind of math do bank tellers need to know and why?
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How does bank tellers use math?

Bank tellers use ALOT of math. Decimals: bank tellers use demicals everyday to find the exact amount of money in someones banking account. also they use decimals to calculate money that doesnt quite make a whole dollar.

Does bank tellers have to be smart at math?

I am not certain but I am pretty sure to be a bank teller you have to gat a a-level in math. But as I said, I am not certain. I hope this is a bit of help.

How do bank tellers use math?

Yes. Bank tellers deal with numbers all day, and even though they use computers to do the addition and subraction etc, they have to know exactly what they are doing to the extent that they could do it all without the computer.

What kind of math would you be expected to know when taking a bank teller job?


What kind of math do you use when working in a bank?

besides just counting bills all day what other math besides basic math do u require when working at a bank?

What skill do you need to work in a bank?

Communication SkillsDetailA bank teller should have the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with the public. These are qualities that make customers more likely to return. DiplomaBank tellers must have the ability to pay attention to detail. An inattentive teller could cost the bank money in terms of mistakes made in transactions. Tellers should have an understanding of security measures and remember details of how to respond during a robbery. Customer NeedsMost banks require that a teller have at least a high school education. If a teller has gone to college, this works in her favor. Math AptitudeBanks stress the importance of sales skills. Tellers should have the ability to recognize needs of customers through casual conversation, and then refer them to management for further sales activities. PersonalityTellers should be very comfortable performing math problems.Bank tellers should have good personalities and attitudes. Tellers are the first line of defense when it comes to customers. Customers view the tellers as though they are the bank. The first impression they receive is that presented by tellers.

Does a bank teller fall under applied math or pure math?

A bank teller applies math in the performance of their job, they do not concern themselves with pure math; therefore a bank teller's job would fall under a classification of using applied math.

What profession uses math?

Math teachers, science teachers, accountants, physicists, chemists, pharmacists, engineers, financial analysts, bank tellers, doctors, nurses, architects, statisticians, biologists, interior designers, economists, meterologists, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, jobs in the military, astronauts, chefs, ...and so on Feel free to add to the list.

What kind of background must you develop to be come a welder?

you gotta be really good in math and you have to know construction basicallyyou gotta be really good in math and you have to know construction basically

What kind of math did Sophie germain contribute to?

i dont know the answer. i need the answer. :) ⬅️ nice answer

What kind of job involves math?

Oh my dear boy I'm 87 years old and I know that all jobs include math!

What kind of math does a surveyor need to know?

A surveyor would need to know basic mathematics with additional knowledge of trigonometry.