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Q: What kind of description of a scientific law would use a mathematical equation?
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How would you the equation how water evaporating?

A mathematical equation doesn't exist; in chemical terms:H2O(l)===========> H2O(g)

How many days are in 100 million seconds?

if you convert 100million second to days the mathematical answer of the equation would be 1157.4074074

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How is 3 million written is scientific notation?

Well in mathematical notation it would be put as 3,000,000 I hope that answers your question x -Hi. In mathematical notation it is 3,000,000 but in scientific notation it's 3x106.

What are some examples of mathematical equations?

one example of a mathematical equation could be (+2x-5)-(-2x+5+10a) and the answer would be (-5a3+4x-2)

What term is defined as mathematical euations based on rules of physics?

That would probably be something like a "physical equation".That would probably be something like a "physical equation".That would probably be something like a "physical equation".That would probably be something like a "physical equation".

What is a mathematical sentence that contains an equal sign?

A mathematical sentence that contains an equals sign would be called an equation.

In mathematical definition transcendental means?

Basically, a number is transcendental if it isn't the solution of a polynomial equation. An example would be PI.

What should be added to both sides of this equation to solve for the variable b 14 25?

Mathematical signs would help.

How would theory distinguish a scientific theory from a scientific law?

By not doing nothing

Is the regression equation a mathematical equation that defines the relationship between two variables?

No. It is an estimated equation that defines the best linear relationship between two variables (or their transforms). If the two variables, x and y were the coordinates of a circle, for example, any method for calculating the regression equation would fail hopelessly.

How would you use scientific notation in a sentence?

He wrote the equation for the reaction in scientific notation.