25 in Roman numerals is XXV
The Roman numerals "XXV" stand for the number 25.
In Roman numerals XXV stands for 10+10+5 = 25
In Roman numerals, 25 is XXV, 2 is II, and 1993 is MCMXCIII. Therefore, 25 2 1993 in Roman numerals is XXV II MCMXCIII.
25 in Roman numerals is XXV
The Roman numerals "XXV" stand for the number 25.
In Roman numerals XXV stands for 10+10+5 = 25
In Roman numerals, 25 is XXV, 2 is II, and 1993 is MCMXCIII. Therefore, 25 2 1993 in Roman numerals is XXV II MCMXCIII.
25 is XXV
the roman numerals for 25 is XXV.
In today's notation of Roman numerals: VI-XXV-MCMXCIV
In Roman numerals, that would be... XII-XXV-MMXII
It is: 25 = XXV