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That's what's known as a simple transposition cipher.

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Q: What is used to replaces each character in the plain text with a different letter by shifting the alphabet a certain number of positions?
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In Word menus is a choice between 'overstrike' and 'insert'. (or something similar.) One replaces the character, the other inserts a new character. enjoy.

What is the Hebrew word for replaces?

replaces = machleef

what is part of speech of it?

It is a pronoun. It replaces a noun. Its is a possessive pronoun. It replaces a noun and its shows ownership.

Who replaces Eric on that 70's show?

Nobody really replaced the character of Eric, but Josh Meyers came in after Topher Grace left the show to play Randy Pearson

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There are three syllables in replaces. Re-plac-es.

What SI unit replaces the fluid ounce?

Liter or L is replaces the fluid ounce.