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Apostrophes are use in possessive nouns and contraction. Susan's purse, Joey's bike, and bird's wing are examples of possessive nouns. Contractions are words such as can't (cannot), I'd (I would), and don't (do not).

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Q: What is used in contractions and noun possession?
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What punctuation mark is used to show the possessive form of a noun and is used to show that a letter or letters have been left out of a contraction?

An apostrophe is used to show possession and contractions. The apostrophe is used to show the possessive form of a noun and is use also used to form contractions.

Apostrophes are not used to show?

Possession. ommision of letters in contractions.

When is an apostafi is used?

An apostrophe is used to show possession or to indicate missing letters in contractions. For example, "the dog's tail" shows possession and "can't" is a contraction for "cannot".

What are the common errors when forming contractions?

writing a contraction with possession

Is the conjunction of who has whose?

No, who has does not have a contractions. Whose is a form of "who" which shows possession.

What are the 2 times you use an apostrophe?

In contractions and to show possession

Should there be an apostrophe in the word theirs?

No, "theirs" is a possessive pronoun and does not require an apostrophe. The apostrophe is used in contractions or to show possession, but not in this case.

What type of noun is possession?

"Possession" is a common noun. It refers to the general concept of owning or having something.

Apostrophe before or after full stop?

An apostrophe is never used before a full stop. Apostrophes are used to indicate possession ('s) or to show omitted letters in contractions (e.g. can't for cannot).

Is the word have a verb or noun?

It's a verb.========Have is generally used as a verb but on the rare occasion it has been used as a noun, as in the expression the haves and have-nots

Do uncles have apostrophe?

No, "uncles" does not have an apostrophe. An apostrophe is used to indicate possession or to form contractions, but in the case of "uncles," it is simply a plural noun.

What is the apostrophe for waves?

The apostrophe in "wave's" indicates possession, such as "the wave's crest." It can also be used in contractions, like "wave's been" for "wave has been."