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Concept used with an object. For exampel: We will concept the car at the next meeting.

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Q: What is the verb form of concept?
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What part of speech is concept?

The word "concept" can be both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to an abstract idea or a general notion. As a verb, it means to conceive or form an idea.

What is the noun form for the verb construct?

Construct (pronounced with the stress on con) is a noun, for a concept, image, or idea.The noun for the verb to construct is "construction." The gerund form is constructing (process of construction).

Is the word talk a noun?

No, the word talking is the present participle of the verb to talk, and a gerund, a verb form that functions as a noun. A gerund is an abstract noun form, a word for the concept of an action.

Is there a verb form of the word ominous?

No, "ominous" is already an adjective and does not have a direct verb form. You can use phrases like "seem ominous" or "carry an ominous tone" to express the concept in a sentence.

Is the word define a verb?

Yes, "define" is a verb. It is used to explain the meaning of a word, concept, or idea.

Abstract noun for fly?

The abstract noun form for the verb to fly is flyability, a word for a concept.

What is the noun form conceive?

The noun forms for the verb to conceive are conceiver, concept, conception, and the gerund, conceiving.

Is the word talking a concrete noun?

No, the word talking is the present participle of the verb to talk, and a gerund, a verb form that functions as a noun. A gerund is an abstract noun form, a word for the concept of an action.

What is the Abstract noun of the Discover?

The abstract noun form for the verb to discover is discovery, a word for a concept.

What is the noun for answer?

The word 'answer' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'answer' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a concept; a word for a thing.The noun form of the verb to answer is the gerund, answering.

What is the noun form of conceive?

That is the correct spelling of "conceive".

What is a heaping verb?

No such thing as a heaping verb :/. I think you mean a helping verb. Helping verbs come before the main verb in a sentence and form a verb phrase.