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This could happen if two blank planchets got into the press together, causing on to get stamped with only the heads side, and the other to get stamped with only the tails side. This is a relatively rare error, and could be worth $50 to $100 or more. This could also be a normal quarter that somebody has altered. If it weighs significantly less than 5.67 grams, then I would say that it has been altered and has no added value.

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Q: What is the value of a quarter stamped on one side heads and blank on the other?
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What is the value of a penny with Lincoln head and the Memorial stamped on one side with the other side blank?

This type of error of misstruck coins is called 'Brockage'. A Lincoln penny with this error is valued at $35.00

What is the value of a quarter with no head and no tail?

August 7, 2009 The coin you have described seems to be a "blank planchet". If it has a raised rim but no other details it is valued at $5. If there is no rim it is valued at $10.

Is it even possible that a quarter with heads 1972 on one side and heads 1994 on the other side could be legimate?

No, it's not possible that a double-headed quarter with two such diverse dates could be a legitimate Mint error. Dies are destroyed, if not worn out through usage, by the end of the year in which they are used. The coin in question is almost certainly a novelty or magician's coin.

How much is a quarter with a penny stamped on the back worth?

If the "penny side" is copper-colored, then it is probably a magician's coin manufactured from a quarter and a cent, in which case it has no collector's value. On the other hand, if it has a cent reverse where the quarter reverse should be, it may be a legitimate error coin. This determination and evaluation should be made by a reputable dealer in error coins.

What is a quarter to 6 o'clock?

Quarter to 6 o'clock is 5:45. Quarter to means 15 until the next hour. 15 is a quarter of 60. The other way of looking at is 45 minutes of the current hour have passed and there is a quarter left until the next.

Related questions

What is the value of a quarter stamped with a nickel head on one sie and a nickel tail on the other side. The stamp is not center?

Chances are it is worth something. The question though is, was it a nickel struck on a quarter blank? Or was the nickel simply struck off-center? If it was struck on a quarter blank, the edge will have both redish brown and white. If it was struck on a nickel blank it will be a solid color. The best thing to do is take it in to several coin shops and get different opinions on what its worth. It is hard to give values for error coins sight unseen. But some coin dealers specialize in errors while others use them simply for curiosities.

What is 1984 nickel worth with one side stamped with Jefferson and other side blank?

A 1984 nickel with one side stamped with Jefferson and the other side blank is likely a novelty coin created after minting. It does not hold any numismatic value to collectors and is worth face value, which is 5 cents.

How much is a three headed quarter worth?

There are no 3 headed quarters minted by the U.S. Mint.

What is the value of a penny with bottom half stamped with the upper half of Lincoln and other half blank it is normal size just halfway stamped?

Your off-center error cent will be worth $2 to $10, depending on how much off-center it is and how nice of condition it's in.

What is the value of a penny with Lincoln head and the Memorial stamped on one side with the other side blank?

This type of error of misstruck coins is called 'Brockage'. A Lincoln penny with this error is valued at $35.00

How much is a 1982 miss stamped penny worth. Ithas half of lincolns and the other half is blank?

Such a coin would have to be seen to determine its value. I suggest you take it to a coin shop and ask them to look at it for you.

What is the value of a quarter with no head and no tail?

August 7, 2009 The coin you have described seems to be a "blank planchet". If it has a raised rim but no other details it is valued at $5. If there is no rim it is valued at $10.

Is it even possible that a quarter with heads 1972 on one side and heads 1994 on the other side could be legimate?

No, it's not possible that a double-headed quarter with two such diverse dates could be a legitimate Mint error. Dies are destroyed, if not worn out through usage, by the end of the year in which they are used. The coin in question is almost certainly a novelty or magician's coin.

How much is a quarter with a penny stamped on the back worth?

If the "penny side" is copper-colored, then it is probably a magician's coin manufactured from a quarter and a cent, in which case it has no collector's value. On the other hand, if it has a cent reverse where the quarter reverse should be, it may be a legitimate error coin. This determination and evaluation should be made by a reputable dealer in error coins.

Where is the relay fuse on a Chevy truck 1995?

it is in the blank right next to the other blank blank

What is a metal disc on which a design is stamped to produce a coin called?

A metal disc on which a design is stamped to produce a coin is called a coin die. The die is used to imprint the design onto a blank piece of metal, which then becomes a coin through the minting process.

Why are there other dates stamped on my gold plated 1969 half dollar?

There shouldn't be any other dates stamped on your half dollar. Only the date 1969.