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Substitution, transposition, and XOR.

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Q: What is the three basic operations in cryptography?
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The basic operations are union and intersection.

What is the two types of cryptography?

Three methods of cryptography are Substitution (substituting one symbol for another), Transposition (rearranging the order of the characters), and Steganography (hiding the existence of the message).

What has the author Richard Bondi written?

Richard Bondi has written: 'Cryptography for Visual Basic(r)'

How many basic operations does math execute?

The basic 4 operations are: addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

What are the types of cryptography?

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What Are The Four Basic Operations Of Arithmetic?

The four basic operations are … >> Add >> Subtract >> Multiply >> Divide Everything else is built on those four operations.

Are exponents considered basic operations?

No. The four basic binary operations of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

What are different cryptography algorithms?

There are two types of cryptography algorithms: 1) Public key cryptography 2) Secret key cryptography

What are set operations in math?

The basic operations are union, intersection and complement.