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Q: What is the term for Height and weight etc?
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What are the physical attribute of the person?

Age, Sex, Height, Weight etc

Is 112 pounds a good weight?

depends on height, age, gender, etc.

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How do you measure a child tricycle?

The answer depends on what characteristic you wish to measure: its mass, weight, total height, seat height, wheel radius, etc.

In percentages.what does the term overweight mean?

For men overweight is 5% over their ideal weight for their height and it is over 13% the ideal weight in women.

What is Normal blood pressure for 4 year old girl?

It depends on height, weight, gender, etc.

How can you tell what size pony you need?

This all depends on your riding capability and your age, weight, height, etc.

If my weight is 63 kg what should be my height?

You can not change your height as per your weight. You have to change your weight as per your height.

Is the perfect weight for a 5foot girl?

There is no perfect weight for a given height. Instead, there are a range of healthy weights depending on age, build, muscles, etc.

What is your daily allowance based on your height?

You shouldn't base it just on your height. Other factors are also important, like weight, activity level, age, etc.