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66, LXVI.

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44, XLIV

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Q: What is the smallest that can be written with four different roman numeral symbols?
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What is the largest that can be written with four different roman numeral symbols?


What is the smallest that can be written with three different roman numeral symbols?

XIV- different symbols (#14) III- three of the same symbol (#3) If you just wanted to write a number that wasn't used in the roman era but still use three different symbols you could also write IVX which would be the equivalent of 4 or IV.

Is there a reason why the Hebrew alphabet is written in symbols?

All alphabets are written in symbols. The Hebrew symbols are just different from the English symbols.

What roman numeral is different on clocks?

The numeral for 4 is often written as IIII on clocks although it is generally written as IV, but both are correct.

XIV the roman numeral?

XIV is the Roman numeral for the number 14. It is written as two symbols: XIV, with 'X' representing 10 and 'IV' representing 4.

What is the meaning of numeral?

A numeral is a symbol or group of symbols that represents a specific number. It is a way of expressing quantities in a mathematical or numerical form. Numerals can be written using different systems, such as Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.) or Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, etc.).

What are morpheme's phonemes and graphemes?

A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of language. Phonemes are the distinct sounds in a language that differentiate words, while graphemes are the written symbols that represent these sounds. In language, morphemes can be represented by different combinations of phonemes and graphemes.

What Is the 1000000 Roman Numeral?

The numeral M (1000) with a horizontal bar above it to denote multiplication by a thousand. Thus 1000 times 1000 equals 1000000. Enclosing symbols in brackets also denotes that the enclosed symbols should be muliplied by 1000. This is used for numbers above 3000 = MMM, so 4000 can be written as (IV) 4 x 1000. A million can therefore be written as (M) 1000 x 1000.

What is the Roman numeral of 58?

the roman numeral of 58 is written as LVIII.

What is the Roman numeral for 7431?

7431 written in roman numeral is MMMMMMMCDXXXI

What is the Roman numeral 323?

323 written in roman numeral as CCCXXIII

What is the Arabic numeral for 34 written in Roman numeral?

The number 34 is represented by the Roman numeral XXXIV