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The ants are a people not strong, Proverbs 30:25

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Q: What is the smallest animal in the Bible?
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What is the smallest animal on Noah's ark?

The Bible does not specify.

What is the smallest animal mention in the bible?

Type your answer here... I believe its an ant

What is the smallest animal mentioned in the Bible?

Type your answer here... I believe its an ant

Is a seahorse the smallest animal in the sea?

No, the seahorse is not the smallest animal in the sea. Infact, the smallest animal is called Zooplankton.

What is the secound smallest animal?

the secound smallest animal is the chipmunk.

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baby snakes are the smallest animal in the world.

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The smallest animal is the Arctic wolf

What is the smallest Bible verse?

A, I, and O are the smallest words in the Bible.

What is the largest and smallest animals?

The largest sea animal is the blue whale. The smallest animal is the Amoeba.

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what is the smallest animal in the Arctic Ocean

What is Britain's smallest animal?

The Pygmy shew is the smallest animal in Britain :) look at a picture they are so cute

Is the wingless midge the smallest animal on Earth?

No. The smallest animal (mammal) on earth alive today is The Shrew.