मतिः मती मतयः
मतिम् मती मतीः
मत्या मतिभ्याम् मतिभिः
मत्यै- मतिभ्याम् मतिभ्यः
मत्याः- मतिभ्याम् मतिभ्यः
मत्याः- मतयोः मतीनाम्
मत्याम्- मतयोः मतिषु
हे मते हेमती हे मतयः
Having one ShabdamanjarI as a reference would be the easiest way! After a time it becomes a second nature to even 'guess' at the right form!
The shabd roop of Mata is Matru (मातृ ) pronounced 'matr' meaning 'mother'.
hari haro harah:
nadi nadi nad
The Shabda Roop of "muni" in Sanskrit is "munih".
The shabda roop of "bhavat" in Sanskrit is "bhavaan."
The Shabda Roop of "Sita" in Sanskrit is "Sitaa".
The shabda roop of "rishi" in Sanskrit is "rishih".
The Shabda roop of "bhavat" in Sanskrit is "bhavan."
The shabda roop of "bhavat" in Sanskrit is "bhavān."
The Shabda Roop of "bhanu" in Sanskrit is: पुंलिङ्ग एकवचन (masculine gender, singular number).
The Shabda Roop of "baalika" in Sanskrit is "baalikaah." It denotes the plural form of the word, referring to multiple girls.
The shabda roop of "guni" in Sanskrit is as follows: पुंल्लिङ्ग: गुणिन् स्त्रीलिङ्ग: गुणिनी नपुंसकलिङ्ग: गुणिनम् These forms correspond to masculine, feminine, and neuter genders respectively.
The shabda roop of "bhagini" in Sanskrit is "bhagini" itself, as it is the same in all three genders (feminine, masculine, neuter) and in all numbers (singular, dual, plural).
The Shabd roop of "kirti" in Sanskrit is "kirtih."
The shabd roop for "dhenu" in Sanskrit is "dhenuh".