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Complete scripts to Charlie the Unicorn 1 AND 2!

Have fun :)

Charlie The Unicorn

Purple Unicorn: Hey, Charlie Hey Charlie wake up

Pink Unicorn: Yeah Charlie, You silly sleepy head wake up!

Charlie: Oh god you guys. This better be pretty freakin important. Is the meadow on fire?

Purple Unicorn: No Charlie, We found a map to Candy Mountain. Candy Mountain Charlie!

Pink Unicorn: yeah Charlie were going to Candy Mountain come with us Charlie.

Purple Unicorn: Yeah Charlie! It'll Be an adventure! were going on an adventure Charlie

Charlie: Yeah, Candy Mountain right Im just gunna you know go back to sleep now.

Purple Unicorn: NOOOOOOOOOOO!! Charlie!!! you have to come with us to Candy Mountain

Pink Unicorn: Yeah Charlie, Candy Mountain its a land of sweets and joy! and joyness!

Charlie: Please stop bouncing on me!

Purple Unicorn: Candy Mountain Charlie!!

Pink Unicorn: Yeah Candy Mountain

Charlie: Alright Fine!! Ill go with you to Candy Mountain!


Charlie: Enough with the singing already.

Purple Unicorn: Our first stop is over there Charlie!

Charlie: Oh god what is that!?!

Purple Unicorn: Its a Leoplurodon Charlie

Pink Unicorn: A magical Leopleurodon

Purple Unicorn: Its gonna guide our way to Candy Mountain!

Charlie: Alright Guys you do know that there is no actual Candy Mountain right?

Purple Unicorn: SHUN THE NON-BELIEVER!!!



Charlie: Yeah??

Leopleurodon: (funny noises!)

Purple Unicorn: It has spoken!!

Pink Unicorn: It has told us the way!!!!

Charlie: It didnt say anything!

Purple Unicorn: Its just over this bridge Charlie

Pink Unicorn: This magical bridge of hope and wonder!!

Charlie: Is anyone else getting like covered in splinters? Seriously guys we shouldn't be on this thing


Charlie: Im right here what do u want!?!?

Purple Unicorn: Were on a bridge Charlie!

Pink Unicorn: Were Here!!!

Charlie: Well what do ya know? There actually is a Candy Mountain!

Purple Unicorn: Candy Mountain! Candy Mountain You fill me with sweet sugary goodness

Pink Unicorn: Go inside the Candy Mountain Cave Charlie.

Purple Unicorn: Yeah Charlie! Go inside the cave. Magical wonders are to behold when you enter

Charlie: Yeah Arrrr Thanks but no thanks im gunna just stay out here.

Pink Unicorn: But you have to enter the Candy Mountain Candy Cave Charlie!

Candy Mountain Song:

Oh when youre down and youre looking for some cheering up

Then just head right on up to the candy mountain cave

When you get inside you find yourself a cheery land

Such a happy and joy filled and perky merry land

Theyve got lollipops and gummidrops and candy things

Oh so many things that will brighten up your day

Its impossible to wear a frown in candy town

Its the mecca of love the candy cave

Theyve got jellybeans and coconut with little hats

Candy rats, chocolate bats, its a wonderland of sweets

Buy the candy train to town and hear the candy band

Candy bells, its a treat, as they march across the land

Cherry ribbon stream across the sky and to the ground

Turn around, it astounds, its a dancing candy treat

In the candy cave imagination runs so free

So now Charlie please will you go into the cave?

Charlie: Alright fine!! Ill go into the freakin Candy Cave! This better be good!

Purple Unicorn: Goodbye Charlie!

Pink Unicorn: Yeah, Goodbye Charlie!

Charlie: Goodbye What?!?!?! HEY WHATS GOIN ON HERE!?!? hello? Who is that? Ow! oh god!

What Happened? argh! They took my freakin kidney!

Charlie The Unicorn 2

Blue: Glub Glub Glub Glub Glub Glub

Pink: Glub Glub

Blue: Look over there it's a coral reef

Charlie: Oh look it's you guys, and you're floating.

Blue: Charlie, we're Scuba diving Charlie

Pink: We're exploring the depths of the ocean blue.

Blue: Oh no, here comes a school of poisonous foogu fish.

Pink: Nooooo Foogu

Charlie: Ah you gotta watch out for those, now go away I'm watching TV.

Blue: The vortex is open

Charlie: Uh ok, what is this?

Blue: Charlie, we're being pulled into the vortex.

Pink: Swim away foogu fish, swim away.

Charlie: Come on now you guys are freaking me out, turn this thing off.

Blue: There's no stopping the vortex Charlie

Pink: Fooguuuuu

*Blue and Pink get sucked into vortex*

Charlie: Guys? Guys? Or girls, I'm really not sure what you two are.

Blue: Charlie, Charlie I have the amulet.

Charlie: What amulet? What's going on?

Blue: The amulet Charlie, the magical amulet. Sparkles sparkles.

Pink: Sparkle.

Charlie: I don't understand what you're talking about.

Blue: The amuletttttt.

*pop out of vortex*

Blue: We did it.

Pink: We got the amulet!

Charlie: Great, now go away, Im tired of the horrible things that happen when you're around.

Blue: No Charlie.

Pink: No

*They both blow up*

Blue: We have to take the amulet to the banana king.

Charlie: Oh yes, the banana king, of course. Absolutely not.

Pink: He's counting on us, Charlieeee. *He begins floating*

Blue: If we don't get the amulet to the banana king the vortex will open and let out a thousand years of darkness.

Pink: Nooooo Darknessss.

*Creepy octopus begins to come out of vortex*

Charlie: Alright fine I'll go, I'll go.

Pink+Blue: yayyy

Pink: Darkness

*pink and Blue say blblbl(5 times)

Charlie: What are you two doing?

*blblbl* (2 times)

Charlie: Stop that.

*Blue: blbl*

Charlie: Oh look at that.


Blue: El hombre con el sombrero nos envoi

Pink: El nos dijo muchas historias asombrosas

*weird music* *creepy laughing*

Charlie: What?

Pink: Esta noche nosotros cenamos Tortugas

Blue: Así que bueno, ellos serán

Charlie: Ah, what did you two do?


Blue: Soy Feliz.

*creepy music, creepy laughing*

Charlie: Just keep walking Charlie, just keep walking.

Blue: Hop on board the train Charlie.

Pink: It's gonna take us to the banana king.

Charlie: I don't see any train, all I see is a giant sneaker.

Blue: It's the choo choo shoe, Charlie.

Pink: Choo Choo shoe.

Blue: Hurry Charlie, it's about to leave.

Pink+Blue: Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Choo shoe Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Choo shoe

Charlie: I forgot my boarding pass, I'll just walk.

Pink: We're here, Charlie.

Blue: The temple of the banana king.

Charlie: Great, let's leave the amulet and go home.

*Banana king pops up*

Charlie: Who is that? No, no really. You guys see it, right? I gotta be honest I'm getting really creeped out here. Somebody say something.

*music starts*

Banana King: (song)

Charlie you look quite down,

With your big fat eyes,

And your big fat frown.

The world doesn't have to be so grey.

Charlie when your life's a mess,

When you're feeling blue,

Always in distress,

I know what can wash that sad away.

All you have to do is,

Put a banana in your ear.

Charlie: A Banana in my ear?

Put a ripe banana right into your favorite ear.

It's true

Charlie: Says who?

So true,

Once it's in your blues will disappear.

The bad in the world is hard to hear,

When in your ear a banana cheers.

So go and put a banana in your ear.

Put a banana in your ear.

Charlie: I'd rather keep my ear clear.

You will never be happy if you live your life in fear.

It's true.

Charlie: Says you.

So true

When it's in the skies are bright and clear.

Of every day of every year.

The sun shines bright in this big blue sphere.

So go and put a banana in your earrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

*Banana King blows up*

Charlie: Of course, it burst into flames.

Blue: Go forth magical amulet, return to the banana king.

*light shines onto Charlie*

Blue: Charlie, you're the bonana king.

*Charlie starts floating*

Charlie: What? Hey hey, hold on a minute.

Banana: You're the bonana king, Charlie.

Charlie: No, no I'm not, that doesn't even make sense.

Blue: All hail the banana king.

Charlie: I'm not the banana king.

Blue: You are the banana king.

Charlie: No, no I'm I'm…

Banana: banana banana banana banana banana

Charlie: I, I am the banana king.

Blue+Pink: yayyy

Banana: You are the bonana king.

Charlie: I'm the banana king, yeah. Hey, hey. Where'd you go? Guys? Hello? Get me down from here. *falls* gah, Ok that's a sprain. Hello? Hello? Guys? Where are you? Ah you gotta be- great, they robbed me.

*blue pops out of vortex*

Blue: Charlie.

Charlie: What, what do you want?

Blue: blbl


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