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The roman numeral "M" with a bar on top of it - denotes that the "M" or 1000 needs to be multiplied by 1000. So the M with a bar on top means 1000 x 1000 or 1,000,000.

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Q: What is the roman numeral m with a line above it?
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Roman numeral one million?

It is: 1,000,000 = (M) or M with a line above it

What language has a letter m with a line over it?

M with a line above it is the Roman numeral for a million.

What is the roman numeral for four billion?

(MMMM)M or (MV)M but with an horizontal line above the numeral V The above Roman symbols represent: 4000*1000*1000 which is equal to four billion

What is the Roman numeral for one million?

The Roman numeral for 1,000,000 is M with a bar over it. The M is the Roman numeral for 1,000 and the bar over it means it is multiplied by 1,000. (1,000 x 1,000 = 1,000,000 M (for 1000) is the largest unique Roman numeral. To make larger ones you draw a line over the numeral to signify it being multiplied by 1000. One million is 1000x1000, so it would be an M with a line above it. One million as a Roman numeral is: (M) which means 1,000*1,000 = 1,000,000

How do you answer a roman numeral with bar above it?

It indicates that the numeral below it is to be multiplied by a thousand.

Write one million and one as a numeral?

MIImproved answer:The above answer represents 1,001 in Roman numerals but 1,000,001 in Roman numerals is:(M)I or MI but with a line above the numeral M to indicate multiplication by a thousand.Numerals in brackets also indicate multiplication by a thousand.

What is the roman numeral for 64093815?

Originally the largest roman numeral was M=1000. So you would have to write 64093 M's and then CCMXV. In the middle ages a horizontal line above the number was use to make it 1000 times larger. So 64 M's with a line above them would be 64,000,000. Then VIIC with a line would be 93,000 -and finally CCMXV = 815.

What is roman numeral for 1000000?

1,000,000 is represented by an M with a line over it: _ M

Roman numeral for 5000?

There are two presentations for 5,000 in roman numerals. MMMMM (first is five Ms in a row - an M = 1,000) _ V (second is a V with a line over it - the line means multiply by 1,000)

What is the Roman numeral for four million?

Four M's with dashes above them:_MAs "M" is the largest Roman numeral, it would be "M" wrote down 4 thousand times.

How do you write 1000000 in roman numerals?

(M) or M but with an horizontal bar above the numeral.

What is the Roman numeral for m?

M is a roman numeral that represents 1000.