The Roman numeral for 9 is IX.The Roman numeral for 26 is XXVI.The Roman numeral for 2009 is MMIX.
The date October 9th 2009 can also be written as 10-09-2009 and the Roman numerals for this would be X.IX.MMIX
The roman numeral for number 9 is: IX
The Roman numeral IX is 9.
The Roman numeral for 9 is IX.The Roman numeral for 26 is XXVI.The Roman numeral for 2009 is MMIX.
The date October 9th 2009 can also be written as 10-09-2009 and the Roman numerals for this would be X.IX.MMIX
The roman numeral for number 9 is: IX
The Roman numeral IX is 9.
If you mean Roman numeral for 9 it is IX.
The Roman numeral IX is 9.
It is: IX = 9
It is: (IX) which means 1000*9 = 9,000
To write the number 9 in Roman numerals, you would use the symbol 'IX'. This is made by combining the Roman numeral for 1, 'I', and the Roman numeral for 10, 'X', subtracting 1 from 10.
The number 1 is not a Roman numeral. The Roman numeral IX represents the number 9.