MCMLXVIII is of course Roman Numerals. In decimal it is 1,968. So the year is 1968AD.
M represents 1000, L is 50, X is 10 and C is 100. This would convert to MCMLXVIII.
The date 6-4-1968 would be written as VI-IV-MCMLXVIII in Roman numerals.
In todays modern notation of Roman numerals: MCMLXVIII
MCMLXVIII is of course Roman Numerals. In decimal it is 1,968. So the year is 1968AD.
MCMLXVIII is of course Roman Numerals. In decimal it is 1,968. So the year is 1968AD.
M represents 1000, L is 50, X is 10 and C is 100. This would convert to MCMLXVIII.
The date 6-4-1968 would be written as VI-IV-MCMLXVIII in Roman numerals.
In todays modern notation of Roman numerals: MCMLXVIII
In today's terms it is: January-XXVII-MCMLXVIII
Nowadays the equivalent of 1968 in Roman numerals are MCMLXVIII but the ancient Romans would have notated them quite differently
The number that represents ILX is Fifty-nine (Aka 59).
Iv is 4 IV is the Roman number 4. V is the Roman number 5.
Answer 5 Roman numeral v
the roman number II stands for the number 2 in English