The number one million can be represented in two ways in Roman numerals, either by using the numeral M (1000) with a horizontal bar placed above, which means that the numeral should be multiplied by 1000. Or by placing the numeral M inside brackets, which has the same meaning. So, the Roman numeral (M) represents 1,000,000
Use capital i
There was'nt one.
____ MCD
A bar over a Roman numeral indicates that the number is to be multiplied 1000 times. M represents 1000, so an M with a bar over it would be one million.
It is: (M) which means 1000*1000 = 1,000,000
Use capital i
50 million people
There was'nt one.
____ MCD
A bar over a Roman numeral indicates that the number is to be multiplied 1000 times. M represents 1000, so an M with a bar over it would be one million.
One half million = 500,000 In Roman numerals, this is: D with a line above it 1.5 million = 1,500,000 In Roman numerals, this is MD with a line above both letters.
It is: (M) which means 1000*1000 = 1,000,000
It is: 1,000,000 = (M) or M with a line above it
If you mean one million then it is: (M) which means 1,000*1,000 = 1,000,000
In our number system one million is written 1,000,000 so there are 6 zeros. The Roman's wrote one million as (M), where M = one thousand and the brackets mean times one thousand.
The number 1000000 can be represented in Roman numerals by M with a horizontal bar placed above it or by [M]