not sure , maybe cuzins ..
A math expression is a symbol or combination of symbols that represents a quantity or a relationship between quantities.
symetry is part of math, based on angles and numbers
There are used to encapsulate a relationship between two or more variables.
It means that there is no mapping between the two sets of data or between the input and output values. The phrase is often incorrectly used when there is no linear relationship found between two variables, through regression or correlation analysis. Often there can be a non-linear relationship.
A math expression is a collection of math terms
art is realistic but survival is YOU
ya gitu dh
The Renaissance!
in math and arthmetic
A mapping is a relationship between two sets.
not sure , maybe cuzins ..
Life imitates art.
Art critics can make or break the reputation of an artist.
Greeks were heavily influenced by Roman art.
In order to do science you need math. In order to do math you need to know science.
A math expression is a symbol or combination of symbols that represents a quantity or a relationship between quantities.