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Q: What is the ratio gray to black when 60 percent is gray and40 percent is black?
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What color make gray?

Gray is typically created by mixing equal parts of black and white. Depending on the shade of gray desired, you can adjust the ratio of black to white to achieve a lighter or darker tone.

What color you get when you mix white and black?

When white and black are mixed together, you typically get a shade of gray. The resulting shade of gray can vary depending on the ratio of white to black in the mixture.

How is gray color made?

Gray color is made by mixing black and white pigments together. Gray is considered a neutral color because it is a combination of equal parts black and white, creating a shade that has no strong undertones of any other color. Adjusting the ratio of black and white can result in different shades of gray, from light gray to charcoal gray.

How do you mix colors for gray color?

To create gray color, mix black and white paint together. Adjust the ratio of black to white to get the desired shade of gray, with more black resulting in a darker gray and more white yielding a lighter gray. Experiment with small amounts of paint until you achieve the exact shade of gray you want.

What color is made when Black and white is mixed?

When black and white are mixed, the resulting color is usually a shade of grey. The darkness or lightness of the grey will depend on the ratio of black to white in the mixture.

What color do you get if you mix black and gray?

Mixing black and gray together will result in a darker shade of gray. Gray is a mixture of black and white, so adding more black will darken the color.

What color will you get if you mix black and gray?

Mixing black and gray will result in a darker shade of gray.

In aquirrelsblack fur is recessive to grar fur show the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of a cross between a heterozygous gray squirrel with a black squirrel?

The genotypic ratio would be 1:2:1 (1 BB, 2 Bb, 1 bb) and the phenotypic ratio would be 3:1 (3 gray squirrels : 1 black squirrel).

Is gray better than black?

yes black is better than gray

Can mosquitos be black and white?

In fact... the mosquito population is 65%.. and 45% ratio black to white... in certain rare occasions.. the black mosquito's will sodomize the honky mosquito's and create a new breed of off-gray mosquito's.

What colors do your mix to get gray?

To mix gray, you can combine black and white. The more black you add, the darker the gray will be; and the more white you add, the lighter the gray will be.

What colors when mixed together give you gray?

Mixing complementary colors, such as orange and blue, red and green, or yellow and purple, can create shades of gray. Adjusting the ratio of each color will result in different shades of gray, ranging from lighter to darker hues.