

What is the prefix generous?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is the prefix generous?
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What are the prefix and suffix of the word generous?

All you have to do is break up the word: Gen-er-ous. 'Gen' would be the prefix and 'ous' would be the suffix. 'Gener' could also be the prefix for some other words. ...........This is bloody nonsense. "Gen" har absolutely nothing to do with a prefix. If it had, -the root of the word would be "er", which is without meaning. "Gen" is part of the Greek word γενοσ = genus, meaning gender, birth, family, race etc. or perhaps sooner from the Latin "genus" with the same meaning and is derived from the genetive, "generis". A generous man is thus a man from a noble family who could afford to be generous.

What is the Comparative and superlative of generous?

More generous and most generous

What is the superlative for the word generous?

The superlative form of "generous" is "most generous."

What is the comparative superlative for generous?

more generous, most generous

What is the base word of generous?

The base word of generous is "generous."

What is the comparative and superlative for generous?

more generous, most generous

What is the difference between' generous with' and 'generous to'?

Generous with is a general term If someone is generous with money it does not say how Generous to is specific, not general If someone is generous to someone else, that says whom the money goes to

What is the superlative and comparative degree of generous?

most generous, more generous

What is the comparative and superlative word of generous?

more generous, most generous

What is a comparative and superlative form for generous?

more generous, most generous

What are the comparative and superlative forms for generous?

more generous, most generous