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Q: What is the origin of the phrase tantum validus superstes?
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A vir est tantum ut validus ut suus vox. I plugged it into an internet translator and this is what I got. Is this correct?

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A plurale tantum (plural: pluralia tantum) is a noun which has no singular form, for example, "scissors".

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Tantum in Latin is "How great" or "so much" in English.

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ubi tu pulasas ego vapulo tantum means where you hit/punch only i am beaten. ubi-where tu-you pulsas-you hit/punch ego-I vapulo-I am beaten tantum-only

Latin translation for only?

Modo; tantum.

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Latin Hymn: Tantum ergo, Sacramentum, veneremur Literal: So much, therefore, let us venerate the sacrament

What is the phrase only the strong survive in latin?

i have found 2 good translations for this myself: the first one is a direct translation of "only the strong will survive" which is 'tantum validus mos superstes' and the other one is 'solum fortis superesse' which translates as only the strong survive.

What is 'only death is eternal' in Latin?

Tantum mors est aeterna.

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Yes he is actually hotter then channon tantum. he is adorable

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"A thing is worth as much as it can be sold for."

How do you write 'respect only those who respect you' in latin?

Colas tantum quos te colunt.