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Q: What is the opposite word of admit?
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What word means the opposite of admit?

Deny.So you could say: "Fine, I admit it", or "No, I deny it".

What is the opposite of admit?

The opposite of admit (concede) is to deny. The opposite of admit (allow entry) is to refuse.

What is opposite of admit?

The opposite of admit (allow entry) is to bar, refuse, reject, or exclude. The opposite of admit (confirm) could be deny, demur, disclaim, or disavow.

What is an antynom?

Antonym means the opposite of what the word means. For example the word sad. The antonym for sad would be happy. Synonym is the opposite of Antonym. Synonym means the same meaning of the word. For example the word admit. The synonym would be confess.

What is the right preposition to use with the word 'admit'?

"Admit to"

What admit in Tagalog means?

The word "admit" in Tagalog can be translated as "tanggapin" or "umamin."

What is a sentence using the word admit?

This ticket will admit you to the museum on Sunday. The authorities will not admit you into Mexico. He refused to admit that he had committed the crime. I must admit that I was surprised at the result.

What is a sentence using admit?

A sentence using the word admit could be this, "The man on trial did not want to admit he was wrong."

What is a sentence with the word admit in it?

Despite all the evidence against him, the suspect still would not admit it.I admit that O absolutely love tea.You have to admit that Earl Grey is delicious.

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What is a opposite word for the word word?

The opposite of anything is it's absence. Silence would be the opposite of a word spoken.

What is the noun form of word 'admit'?
