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Q: What is the noun form of reduce?
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What is the noun for reduce?

The noun forms of the verb to reduce are reducer, reduction, and the gerund, reducing.

How do you spell reduce with tion?

The word "reduce" changes to "reduction" when adding the suffix -tion.

What is the noun from the verb ruin?

The noun form is also ruin, as in the building fell into a ruin. When used in a verb form for example, to reduce to ruin or devastate

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The possessive form of the plural noun snakes is snakes'.Example: The snakes' role on a farm is to reduce the number of rodents.

Is reduced a noun?

No, the word 'reduced' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to reduce. The past participle of the verb is also an adjective: a reduced price, reducedresponsibilities, etc.The noun forms for the verb to reduce are reducer, reducibility, and the gerund, reducing.A related noun form is reduction.

What is the verb of tiny?

The verb form of "tiny" is "to shrink" or "to reduce in size."

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The noun form for the adjective horrible is horribleness.

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The noun form of the adjective obedient is obedience.

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The noun form of the adjective 'prosperous' is prosperousness.A related noun form is prosperity.

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The noun form of "punish" is "punishment."

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The noun form of "religious" is "religion."

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The noun form of "acrimonious" is "acrimoniousness."