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Q: What is the most significant nibble of the ASCII code for the letter X?
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What is the code of the letter B in the ASCII code?

The ASCII code of letter B is 66

What is the ASCII code for letter D?

The ASCII code for the letter D is 68 in decimal, 0x44 in hexadecimal/Unicode.

In the ASCII code the letter A and the letter a have the same value?

False they don't have the same value

What is the code of the space in the ASCII code?

32 is the ASCII Code for a space.

What is the ASCII code in binary and in decimal for the letter b?

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 is all the alphabet turned into ASCII first decimal then ASCII. Hope you find it useful.

What is the ASCII code of 'd'?

ASCII refers to the characterset. So the ASCII code of 'd' is 'd' If you meant binary code it is: 01100100

What is the ASCII code for e?

The ASCII code for capital E is 069 and the ASCII code for regular e is 101.hope this help.

How many ascii code are there?

128 ascii codes.

Computer use special code for representing letter and number knows as the?

ASCII, EBCDIC and Unicode

How do you do accent marks on the letter A?

There is an ASCII code for any character, symbol, or other regular or accented letter.To use the ASCII code, hold down the [alt] key and type the four-digit code given in the linked ASCII codes chart.ex: the code [alt+ 0241] > ñThe method works in any text or word processing software.

Which letter has an ASCII code value of 79?

O. Capital letters start at 65, so as O is the 15th letter, it's 64+15 = 79. See related links for a table of all ASCII characters.

What are the Standard ASCII code from A to Z?

the ASCII code for A is 65... just count up 1 for each subsequent letter.