5 half gallons to 1 half gallon
There are 2 (mix-ture)
The best mix is put half a cup of sambuca and the aother half lime juise or cranberry juise but leave al little more space in the cup and put ice full the cup up but dont let it get red thean put the ice shake a little and serve
add, plus, more than, Sum, Mix, combine
Half all the ingredients?
Half Vodka, Half Triple Sec and some Ice
Weimaranian * My pair of dogs! Caroline and Raleigh :)
== == The Spanish word for "mix" is "mezclar".
Mix is mezclar.
yes, he is half Indian and half pueto rican
Mix it half and half with the water.
Mix half-and-half powdered sugar and cornstarch.
Mix a top another top and a pair of shoes.
If they are domestic, then you can own a wolf-dog mix.