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English infinitives are formed with the word, "to" followed by the verb. Infinitives serve as noun clauses in sentences.

Examples: It is wonderful to be in Paris in the springtime.

I want to go home.

I love to play Baseball.

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Q: What is the infinitive form of the verb?
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The infinitive form of "are" is "to be."

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The infinitive form of "did" is "to do".

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The infinitive form of "has" is "to have." "Have" is the base form of the verb, and when used with "to" before it, it becomes the infinitive form.

What is an infinative form of a verb?

An infinitive form of a verb is the base form of the verb, typically preceded by "to." For example, in the verb phrase "to swim," "swim" is the infinitive form. Infinitive forms are used to express purpose, obligation, or intention.

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The infinitive form of the verb "salvation" is "to save."

What part of speech is combined with the word to form an infinitive?

To form an infinitive, we combine the word 'to' and a verb. For example, let us combine the word 'to' and the verb 'ask'. We have the infinitive 'to ask'.An example of the infinitive in a sentence: To askhonestly is to hope for an honest answer.

Is so an infinitive?

No, "so" is not an infinitive. "To be" is an example of an infinitive in English. Infinitives are the base form of a verb preceded by the word "to."

Is has is a verb?

Yes. "Has" is a verb. It is a form of the infinitive "to have."

What is the infinitive of let?

Infinitive is the basic form of a verb. "Let" is the infinitive in this case.

What is a bare infinitive?

A bare infinitive is a linguistic term for the infinitive form of a verb, without the particle "to".

What is the verb form of preference?

The verb form of "preference" is "prefer."

When 'to' appears before a verb the verb is in what form?

It is called the infinitive.