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Q: What is the difference between subject and antecedents?
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the difference between the two of them are they both subject which compliment each other.

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What is difference between usage world and subject world?Read more: What_is_difference_between_usage_world_and_subject_world

Can antecedents be used in a sentence?

Yes, for instance. The conflict in Sri Lanka has its antecedents in the ancient cultural differences between the Tamil/Hindu population in the north and the Sinhalese/Buhdist population in the south.

What is the Tagalog of antecedents?

Tagalog of antecedents: mga nauna

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The difference between multi-subject notebooks is that they have dividers that break the notebook up into sections, while a one-subject notebook has no dividers.

What are the difference between a the subject and the predicate in a sentence?

The subject is what acts upon the predicate.

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the subject

What is the difference between a subject and a theme?

The difference between a subject and a theme is that a subject is just a noun; whereas a theme is a statement (with a subject and a verb). You can infer a theme from details in a story that the author implies. An author almost never says what a theme is.

What are the antecedents of behaviours including learned habits context influences or social influences?

antecedents os behaviour

Difference between Course and Subject at a university?

the difference of course in subject course is your focus unlike in subject you are focus slight!! for example : subject is in the course while subject is a part of course but they have different subject. for example: course is a whole unlike subject.

What is the difference between foreground and background?

the foreground is the area in front of your subject while the background is the area behind your subject.

What is the difference between a theme and a subject of a theme?

a theme is like a topic and subject of a theme is more specific about the topic.