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If you're rash, you react to a problem quicky without thoroughly thinking it out first, rather impulsively. But if you're decisive, you react quickly but still are able to think out your decision well before you do.

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Q: What is the difference between being rash and being decisive?
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Related questions

Which is a negative connotion of the word rash?

Being 'rash' implies that someone is being young, stupid, not thinking things through, acting without thought.

What is the difference between a heat rash and sun poisoning?

sun rash or poisoning is caused by the suns is very itchy and comes in the form of can also cause you to feel light headed give you headaches, nausea, stomachaches, and make you feel tired.

How do you know the difference between a rash or an irritation on a dog?

Many dogs can get a heat rash simply from being in the house where there is dry air (just like humans.) The skin is itchy and if they scratch it, it can become red. If the patch of red skin is bumpy to the touch it's probably dermatitis. Rashes are pretty evident and leave red welts and can be rough to the tough. It's advisable to see your vet if it continues. Marcy

What is the difference between a strike and a riot?

a riot is a sudden rash of violence against authority,property or people. a strike is a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to work.

If you have the numbness and pain of herpes zoster on your face will you also get the rash if you are being treated?

With any luck, the treatment may decrease the risk of the rash appearing. It will certainly reduce the severity of any rash.

What is a baby rash and how do you cure one?

A baby rash is usually easily identified as being bright red and sometimes having small or largo bumps. The rash you describe may be a simple diaper rash, treatable through diaper creams. If the rash gets worse or persists, consultation with the child's pediatrician would be advisable.

What rash is associated with Fabry's disease?

A raised rash of dark red-purple spots is common, especially on skin between the waistline and the knees.

Is Rashes contagious?

Heat rash is not contagious, actually. Heat rash is caused by friction and sweating, so if it's hot and humid, you have a chance of getting heat rash in your armpits, between your legs, and on your butt.

How long can I expect to have a rash from poison ivy?

You can expect to have a rash for 2 to 7 days from poison ivy. That being said, if the rash lasted longer than 7 day, you may need to see a physician to further investigate what may be causing the prolonged rash symptoms.

What is meant by the 5 examples of virtue?

In western thought, an ethics of virtue was more popular in ancient Greece than today. The paradigmatic theory is Aristotle's from his NICOMACHEAN ETHICS. He argues that moral virtues are character traits that are ruined by either excess or deficiency. Here are 5 examples from his classic list: * being brave,which is a mean between being rash and being cowardly; * being temperate, which is a mean between being profligate and being insensitive; * being generous, which is a mean between being wasteful and being ungenerous; * being magnificent, which is a mean between being ostentatious and being niggardly; and * being truthful, which is a mean between being boastful and being self-deprecating.

Is it normal to brake out in a rash after being bit by a dog?

sometimes you do but check the doctors.

What does being too rash mean?

Acting impulsively and without sufficient forethought.