Nowadays the given date converted into Roman numerals is considered to be VI XIX MMXV
But the ancient Romans would have notated the equivalent of 19 quite differently.
The date June 10th 1987 can also be written as 06-10-1987 and this can be written in Roman numerals as VI.X.MCMLXXXVII
The date June 20th 2009 can also be written as 06-20-2009 and in Roman numerals this would be VI.XX.MMIX
The date June 6th 2008 can also be written as 06-06-2008 and in Roman numerals this would be VI.VI.MMVIII
The date June 10th 1987 can also be written as 06-10-1987 and this can be written in Roman numerals as VI.X.MCMLXXXVII
The date June 20th 2009 can also be written as 06-20-2009 and in Roman numerals this would be VI.XX.MMIX
The date June 6th 2008 can also be written as 06-06-2008 and in Roman numerals this would be VI.VI.MMVIII
June-24th-1987 can also be written as 06-24-1987. The Roman numerals need to make this date are... VI (6), XXIV (24) and MCMLXXXVII (1987), so the entire date would be VI.XXIV.MCMLXXXVII
You would represent June with VI. The date would be XXVIII and the year MCMXCVIII. The full
It is Good Friday and today's date is April 22 2011 which in Roman numerals is IV-XXII-MMXI
The date 03.04.1989 is written in roman numerals as III.IV.MCMLXXXIX
The date 17-04-2009 in Roman Numerals would be XVII.IV.MMIX
The date 06.12.1983 in Roman numerals would be VI.XII.MCMLXXXIII