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Q: What is the compound word for having one hand?
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The word compound means having only one part?

No, the word 'compound' does not mean having only one part. In English literature the word compound means having at least two independent words.

What is the sign in asl for compound word?

The sign for compound word in ASL involves signing the words individually in sequence. There is no single sign that specifically represents compound word.

Does the word compound mean having only one part?


A complex and compound sentence having a word rage?

A complex and compound sentence having the following words.rage.bewilder.obnoxious. intervene. contradiction. elaborate. mumbled. grumbled. vague. agony. indignantly. yearned. scathing. scrutinizegive me one compound & one complex sentence FOR EACH WORD

Is sometimes one word compound?

Sometimes is one compound word.

Is the word upstairs a compound word?

Upstairs is a compound word, so it is one word.

What is a compound word with the word shield in it?

The compound word with "shield" in it is "shieldmaiden."

Is intact one word or a compound word?

Intact is not a compound word.

Is Handcrafted one word or two words or is it hyphenated?

"Handmade" is one "compound word", sometimes hyphenated as "hand-made"; not to be confused with handmaid, which is NOT hyphenated.

What is a non compound word?

A non compound word is , a word with one word not two . For a example a compound word is snowflake. An non compound is hot cheetos.

What are the compound words with the word 'one' in them?

Compound words using the word 'one' are:anyoneeveryoneonetimesomeone

What is a compound word that ends with by?

One compound word ending with by is......... Driveby!