Examples of compound nouns for the word 'shell' are:bombshellclam shelleggshellnutshellseashellshellfireshellfishshell shockedsoft-shelltortoiseshell
Some compound nouns are:jigsawthingamajig
No, carefully is not a compound word because fully is an adjective, while care is a noun. A compound word must have two nouns, for example, hand and bag, handbag.
A compound word is made when two nouns are joined to form a new word.Examples: news standpaper clipsand paperA compound word is a word consisting of two other nouns.Examples:WaterfallBasketballSidewalkKeyboardCellphoneAnd many others. ;)
No it is not
Examples of compound nouns for the word 'shell' are:bombshellclam shelleggshellnutshellseashellshellfireshellfishshell shockedsoft-shelltortoiseshell
Some compound nouns are:jigsawthingamajig
The compound word of "school head" is "schoolhead."
Examples of compound nouns using "thunder" include thunderstorm, thunderclap, and thunderbolt.
There are no compound nouns that include the word or. There are dozens of compound nouns that include the letter combination 'or', for example:cornmealforklifpassportpopcornseashore
Examples of compound nouns for the word 'place' are:fireplacemarketplaceplaceholderplace matplacementshowplace
The compound nouns are:snake oilrattlesnakesnake eyes
Some examples of closed compound nouns are:angelfishbathtubcornbreaddowntownearthenwareflagpolegaslightheartbeaticebergjitterbugkeepsakelongbowmanholeneighborhoodonionskinpancakequarterbackrosebudsunbeamtownhouseunderdogvanguardwatermelonyearbookzookeeper
It is not a compound word. Although MESS and AGE are English nouns/verbs, they cannot combine together. It is not possible.
Compound nouns are either separate words (apple juice), or hyphenated words (brother-in-law), or one word (headmaster).
No, carefully is not a compound word because fully is an adjective, while care is a noun. A compound word must have two nouns, for example, hand and bag, handbag.
The word 'over' is a noun as a term in the game of cricket.Other nouns are compound nouns formed with the word 'over', for example:overageoveralls (pants)overcastoverdraftcarryoverhangoverPassoverturnover